Q: What should I do if my name is on the attached list and it says “report to work for shift”?

Contact your supervisor saying that: “I am one of the employees required to work during the strike. I will report to work during the shift indicated on the list provided to me by my Union.”

Q: What should I do if my name is on the attached list and it says “on-call”?

Just like when you are on your regular on-call status, you only report to work if you receive a call by your supervisor. You should still join the picket line as long as you report to work promptly if called in.

You DO NOT need to report to work at the beginning of your shift and you DO NOT need to let your supervisor know that you are not going to work.

Q: If my name is on the attached list and is required to “report to work for shift”, can I still join the picket line before/after work and during my lunch time?

Absolutely!! You are legally required to attend work on the shifts listed but UC cannot interfere with or retaliate against your participation in union activities.

Q: Can my supervisor change my shift or force me to work overtime when I am required report to work?

UC cannot force you to work longer than the designated shift you are required to work in order to prevent you from coming to the picket line before/after work.

Q: I don’t see my name on the list but my supervisor contacted me and told me that I am required to work during strike. What will happen if I don’t show up?

If you don’t see your name on the list, you have the legal right to strike. UC cannot force you to work or retaliate against you for striking.  But if a worker who is required to work calls in sick, we will need a substitute—check with AFSCME for up to date information.