September 14, 2011

President Mark Yudof
Office of the President
University of California
1111 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94607

Dear President Yudof:

As members of the California Legislature we share your commitment to strengthen and refocus the University’s core mission during these challenging and uncertain fiscal times. It is with this spirit that we write to implore you to continue to honor the intent of your historic 2009 agreement with AFSCME Local 3299 to help low‐wage service workers climb out of poverty. When this Legislature adopted, and the Governor signed the 2011‐2012 State Budget, we specifically directed General Funds to the SX unit at the University of California with the intent that those funds meet the contractual requirements needed for low‐wage workers to receive their October 2011 wage increase. It is our expectation that you immediately release those funds to provide the important next step in that climb from poverty.

We are disappointed to learn that on August 23, 2011 in Fact‐Finding the University of California publicly defied the will of the Legislature by informing its low‐wage workers that it will not honor its obligation to continue to lift them out of poverty by denying the wage increase we funded. The University’s clear refusal to comply with our legislative intent is troubling at best. Furthermore, with so many California families struggling to make ends meet, it is even more troubling to learn that the University has not made good on its obligation to provide a January 1, 2011 increase to dedicated patient care workers throughout the UC system. Withholding wages at this time further hampers our economic recovery and threatens crippling ripple effects in the communities for which we all serve.

Again, because we share your commitment to ensure that the University is a leading proponent of good jobs we urge you to keep your promise to lift workers out of poverty. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact our offices.


Senator Leland Yee

Senator Juan Vargas

Assemblymember Michael Allen

Assemblymember Jim Beall

Assemblymember Mike Eng

Assemblymember Warren Furutani

Assemblymember Rich Gordon

Assemblymember Manuel Perez

Assemblymember Richard Pan

Assemblymember Jose Solorio

Assemblymember Das Williams

Assemblymember Jerry Hill