Having waited five years for their health care lawsuit to come to trial, retirees from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will have to wait a little longer for a verdict. Superior Court Judge Robert Gonzales last Friday indicated it would probably take two more weeks for him to render a judgment.

The retirees lost University of California health care in 2008, when a for-profit consortium took over management of the federal Laboratory from UC.

They believe they are entitled to continued health care under an implied contract, and sued to regain it in 2010.

UC opposes the retirees’ suit, which was filed on behalf of a grass roots organization, the UC Livermore Retirees Group. The retirees have prevailed in a series of court rulings to date, including the decision last year that they could convert the suit to a class action.

The class, which has been certified by the court, consists of approximately 4,500 retirees and beneficiaries.

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[Source]: The Independent