
By Nick Gerda

Organized labor’s response to the controversial Civic Openness in Negotiations (COIN) ordinances has taken a major step forward, with the state Legislature giving final approval Thursday to a bill that expands disclosure requirements for contracts between private companies and local governments that have adopted such ordinances.

A final version of the bill, known as Civic Reporting Openness in Negotiations Efficiency Act, or CRONEY, was narrowly approved by the Senate on a 21-15 vote Thursday morning. (21 votes were required for it to pass.)

It now heads to Gov. Jerry Brown for a potential signature.

COIN ordinances, which have been passed by Orange County and some cities, apply extra transparency provisions to labor contracts. In the county’s case, it requires, among other things, public disclosure of offers and counter-offers during negotiations, a more detailed financial analysis of proposed agreements and the posting of proposed contracts 30 days before voting on their approval.

For the full article, click on the link below.
[Source]: Voice of OC