Pension Bargaining Update #1:

UC Unions Formally Oppose Pay cuts for Benefits! UC has told UC Staff Unions that they want to bargain now – mid contracts – on employee contributions to the pension.

On October 25, UC Staff Unions will meet with the University to express our strongest opposition. Employees who are paid far below-market — as UC admits we are — cannot fairly be expected to contribute to the UC pension fund.

Just a couple of years ago, the University took money out of our Pensions to fund “CAPS” in lieu of wage increases, arguing that the pension was over funded.

Even according to UC’s own studies, the Pension is over funded until 2010. Our Union Coalition’s financial analysts have assessed the University’s analysis, and concluded that UC has not run sufficient in-depth studies to prove contributions need to be restarted in 2007.

UC’s Long Term Plan: Shift Pension and Health Care Costs to Workers

UC’s plan for pensions is a 2% pay cut in 2007, 3% in 2008, 4% in 2009, moving to 8% by 2013.

In 2001, workers paid just 3% of health care premiums. By 2010, UC’s wants workers to pay 32% of health care premium costs.

If UC gets its way, thousands of UC workers would be forced to spend 32% of our paychecks on pensions and health care by 2014/2015.

UC’s proposed pay cuts for pension and health care will have terrible consequences for our University, affecting our ability to recruit and retain quality staff, and sending low wage workers deeper into poverty.

Sticker Up October 25 2006: Hands Off Our Benefits!

On October 25, while our Bargaining Teams meet with UC, Union Coalition Actions will take place on every campus. Stand up to UC’s long term plan by wearing a sticker opposing the cuts and participate in your campus’ action.

UC workers must continue to send a loud message that we will fight paycuts for pensions and health care!

NO Pay Cuts for Benefits! UC Union Coalition