UCLA Violates Contract, Refuses to Insource Workers

For the past 24 years, Francisco Solórzano would begin his shift in the afternoon and wax the empty hallways of UCLA campus. Francisco worked just like a full-time worker, 40-hrs a week, 5 days a week. Yet, Francisco did not have the same job security, fair wages, benefits, or the possibility to retire with dignity like AFSCME 3299 members do.
However, because we won strong contract language against outsourcing, Francisco was scheduled to be insourced as a UCLA career worker on July 1st. “I was so excited! I had never imagined that I was going to be able to retire! That sounded like a dream to me,” Francisco said.
But, on July 1st instead of honoring its commitment to insource Francisco and twenty-two of his co-workers, UCLA terminated its contract with DMS, the company Francisco worked for. “It’s just not fair. They need my labor. I was working well, but then when it came time to insource me and do what was right, they suddenly don’t need me, it doesn’t make sense,” Francisco said.
Winning strict limits on outsourcing was our biggest fight this contract campaign. These abusive practices have fueled rising inequality at UC. That’s why we will stand up for Francisco, and why our union has filed a grievance pushing back against UCLA’s clear contract violations.
Show support for Francisco and @UCLA on social media, let them know we want Francisco and his coworkers #InsourceNOW!