Meet Michael, Our New Union President

For the past two decades, I’ve been proud to fight and win alongside every member of Local 3299.
Now, as I begin my term as your new Union President I wanted to re-introduce myself and talk about the important work ahead.
I grew up in the Midwest. When I was 11 years old, my Dad—a union bus driver—made the decision to go on strike. It lasted five years. It meant leaving the Midwest for California. It meant sacrifice. But it delivered more opportunity and security than our family had ever thought possible.
My father showed me that when workers stand together and fight for what is right, we win.
Today, I’m a working father of six and a Patient Transporter at UCSD Medical Center. But that first lesson my father taught me is what led me to first become a MAT leader back in 2003, and later an Executive Board Member.
It’s the experience I draw upon every time we get into the ring with UC to protect our members’ lives and livelihoods. It’s what keeps me going.
And it’s also the story of Local 3299.
As I’ve traveled up and down the state, I’ve heard the stories of members on every campus and in every department. Too many of us are working longer and longer hours, yet struggling to pay for housing, medicine, f
ood, and gas. The dream of being able to send our own kids to learn at a school like UC is becoming harder and harder to attain. Too many of our departments are understaffed, pushing the bodies of those left behind to the brink, and robbing us of the dignified retirement we’ve earned.
It’s why, like my predecessor and mentor Kathryn Lybarger, I’m determined to grow our ranks and our power—both in the Capitol and the workplace. I will not rest until we win new contracts that are responsive to your needs—for secure jobs, for wages that keep pace with the cost of living, for housing near work that’s affordable, and for the secure retirement we’ve earned through a career of service to others.
We are the essential workers—the frontliners who make UC run. We reflect the rich diversity UC claims to support, but has too often tried to leave behind.
The road ahead won’t always be easy, but I know the journey will be worth it.
And I assure you that I will lead this union as my father’s son—standing shoulder to shoulder, for as long as it takes, ready to fight for the respect and security that every single one of our families deserve.
Always in Solidarity,